Sunday, August 9, 2020


The point I've been pondering is that Lahonti knew Amalickiah was very wicked.  Lahonti knew he should  never go down the mountain to discuss anything with Amalakiah!  He knew that Amalickiah was not honest and was a wicked man of war.  Yet Amalickiah kept coming closer to Lahonti and it finally Lahonti  decided it wasn't so bad and he went down which eventually led to losing his life.

How many times do we tell Satan no and then he comes closer and offers us the deal again and we still say no, he comes again and again.  It feels more enticing and then we may fall for it even though we don't trust the source.  In my life, there are times when I don't see the cunning devil enticing me me to down the mountain.  Then all of sudden, the temptation feels like it isn't so bad. It feels easier to give in because it's/he's right here.  Sometimes it is under disguise  and we have to look close.  That is why we need to be so careful and trust our feelings. 

It's hard to always see how we are trying to be deceived.  It's not always cut and dried and there are many diversions.  It's not the story, it's a way of life.  We have to always be aware of Satan's distractions. We need to be on guard always.  Movies tend to always have a snag and a theme which makes it easier to solve.  In real life we have to rely on faith, our testimonies, prayer and the Holy Ghost.  

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