Hello family!!! How are you!?!? I'm so glad to hear that you all had a
wonderful Thanksgiving!! The Christmas party also sounded like so much
fun! :) It's so crazy to hear all these names and try to put them to
faces. . . our family is growing so fast i don't know if I will
recognize any of them when I get home! ;) I got your letters this week
with all of the pictures!! WOW!!! You guys have grown up SO fast!!! It
blows my mind!!! :) I can't believe it! :) I loved the letters though
and the pictures! I just sat there and stared at them for like 10
minutes. . . man! Being a missionary has made me really, really
thankful for my family and the awesome relationship that we all have!
Especially out here where there are so many people who don't know
about the gospel and don't know how it blesses their families. . . it
is so sad! I was studying a talk this morning and this line just
jumped off the page at me, it said, "Exaltation is a FAMILY
experience!" Isn't that so great!!?!? No wonder families are central
to the gospel, no wonder our families bring us so much joy!!! It all
makes SO much sense!
Oh!! Before I forget!!! We finally have a real postal address!!!! :)

It is:
Sister Lisa Bishop

This week has been so good! We were invited to have Thanksgiving
dinner with a part member family. I don't remember if I already told
you this story or not. .. but the Mom is less active and works a lot
of Sunday's, the Dad is not a member and there are 2 little girls that
are 11 and 9 that aren't baptized yet. The Dad grew up in Utah as a
non member and has always had a lot of negative feelings to the church
because of some of the things he went through. The miracle of the
story is that he NEVER would talk to missionaries, let alone let them
into his house. A few weeks ago we stopped by to visit the Mom and
while we were there she told us that He wanted to invite us over for
dinner! We of course accepted and were really excited!!! When we got
there on THrusday evening, they were all dressed up fancy and
excitedly waiting for us. Anthony (the dad) had made all of the dinner
with the 2 girls because Vicky had to work. We sat down and ate and
enjoyed a great conversation the whole time! We were a little scared
that he would be kind of standoffish, but he accepted us right from
the start! In between dinner and dessert, the girls and Anthony put on
a little concert for us with the piano and their violins! The whole
time we talked and laughed, it was great! At the end we asked if we
could share a Thanksgiving message and Vicky agreed, but Anthony
decided to take the dog for a walk. :) But the girls stayed and we had
a great lesson with them! Before we left, Vicky told us, "Sisters, I
want you to know that you have seen a miracle in Anthony today!!! He
used to sic his dog on any missionaries that tried to set foot in his
front porch! YOU are the FIRST missionaries that he has ever invited
into his home! It may not seem like much, but his heart is softening
little by little!" :) It was really neat!! We made a thank you card
that we are going to drop off this week and hopefully that heart will
continue to soften and eventually we will be able to teach him and his
little girls! :)

After all that yummy food, we had one more appointment for the night.
We went to May's house, (Han's mom). We had told Han that we were
going to eat before so his mom didn't have to worry about feeding us.
(She ALWAYS cooks food for us!!!) But when we got there that night, we
walked in and she looked at us and said, "Hello Sisters! It's good to
see you!! I hope you haven't had too much food because I have been
saving my Thanksgiving dinner to share it with you! Would you like to
join me??" :) Ha ha! After an invitation like that we couldn't resist,
so we unbuttoned the top buttons of our skirts, said a little prayer,
slapped a smile on our faces and said, "We would love to have some
dinner with you!!! Thank you so much!!" Oh my goodness!! Heavenly
Father sure helped us out there! :) 2 big Thanksgiving dinners within
2 hours of each other and somehow we managed to get it all down! ;) Ha
ha, it was really, really good! But I don't think I've ever been so
full in my life! :)

OH!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BEN (sorry it was yesterday!! I remembered
though!! ;) ) and HAPPY BIRTHDAY this Friday to my little Goose!!!
(You are growing up way too fast!!) Your hair is almost as long as
mine is in those pictures!! You are one beautiful little girl! I love
you both SO much!!!

This week has been kind of crazy. . . we are teaching this woman named
Karen. Her mother passed away about a year ago and she doesn't really
have any religious background. . she has a lot of really good
questions though! This week when we met with her she finally opened up
enough to pray with us! :) I think that first time an investigator
prays is magical!! I love it so much!!! :) She is super sweet but SO
lonely! WE are working on getting her friends in the ward and doing
all that we can to help build her faith! (Mom I was really excited to
hear that you are teaching a lesson on faith! Alma 32 is a really
great chapter. . . I'm sure you've looked it over a few times, but it
has some really great stuff! When we were teaching it this week a
member pointed out in verse 27 (I think) how you have to "make room"
for the seed of faith to grow! I had never really thought about that
before! I have always just assumed that there was plenty of room and
all the seed needed was water and sunshine! But if there is NO ROOM,
then of course the seed won't be able to grow and fully develop.
Especially with the world that we live in and all the fast paced
society and social media, we have become a people obsessed with NOW,
we don't want to wait to learn patience! It's so difficult to learn
patience with spiritual things because everything else is so instant.
Another aspect is that we need to give heed to the still, small voice!
A lot of times the spirit speaks in little ways. . . like a small seed
sprouting, instead of a mega phone blasting in your ear! It's the
SMALL things and the quiet things that really build and strengthen our
faith! )

We had another neat little miracle this week as we stopped by an
investigators home. Her name is Christine and we didn't have an
appointment, we stopped by to try and schedule something later in the
week. At first she let us in, but didn't want to "study." But as we
visited with her she settled down a little and S Evans pulled out a
mormon message. She said she felt very strongly that Christine needed
to see it. It was one about forgiveness and the Atonement. As we
watched it, Christine was amazed and felt the spirit so strongly! :)
By the end of the night instead of us pulling out our planners to see
when we could come back she was TELLING us when to be there! :) Ha ha!
It was amazing to see the difference it makes to invite and feel the
spirit! :)

Sorry this is kind of short this week, it's been a crazy day so I
better get going! But just remember how much I love you!!! :) Choose
the right and all of the important things!!! RWLY!!!!!

Love you guys the BEST!!

Sister Bishop

P.S. I never did hear from Aunt Dona, but it would probably help if
she had my address!! ;)
P.P.S I am all out of my multi-vitamins and I can't find them any
where out here, can you either send me some or recommend a good type
that I could just buy out here? I am also getting a little low on
shampoo! :) I think I have everything else that I need! Thanks a ton
though! You guys are the BEST!! :)