Sunday, August 9, 2020

Rebeckah girls camp

As I was reading the previous blog, I saw it had Lisa's signature on it  Then I had to read the post to see who had really written it  I found out I had written it.  I was so thankful I had recorded it.  It spoke to my heart and I thought (This sounds prideful but I feel like I have a hard time expressing myself and I felt like i did okay)!

This last Monday and Tuesday was girls camp.  Because Lynn is the Bishop, I was able to go to the Testimony meeting and it was so good!

For girl's camp the Bishop had said they could do 2 days. One of the girls planned a sleep over.  Rebeckah really wanted to go for the sleepover and we as parents have never felt like they were a good idea.  I've heard the the church leaders have advised us not to do them.  When Rebeckah asked if she could go we were not for it.  We told her we would ponder on it.  She asked again a couple days later and the thought came to me that she needed to pray about it. The day before girls camp she asked what I had decided and I asked her if she had prayed about it. She kind of rolled her eyes and said No. I told her that this had to be a mutual decision so that is where we are at.  The next morning I could tell she had prayed and received her answer.  She came to me and said she had prayed about it and felt like it would be all right.  That is is the same decision that Lynn and I received so we allowed her to go.

At the testimony meeting she was poked my Alexis to share her testimony.  She stood up and told the story of how badly she wanted to go to the sleepover.  How her mother had made her pray about it. She was scared to death that her mother would take away her phone because she hadn't been praying or reading her scriptures as much as she should be.  She knelt down by her bed and prayed to know if it was right. She also prayed that she would get an answer quickly. She came to me and told me she had prayed and felt good about the sleepover.  I could so feel the Spirit at that time.  She had prayed with real intent. She had felt the Spirit and knew that God loved her and that he had answered her question quickly.

Rebeckah was surprised how quickly her prayers were answered. She could also feel the love of all of the Ward Yong Women and the leaders.  She felt the Spirit and the Love of God.  She watched Cynthia and as Cynthia got up and was getting emotional Rebeckah was surprised how "close they were" how much she cared for her.  After the testimony meeting they all hugged each other and felt the love. 

I'm so thankful Heavenly Father answers prayers. How He guided Rebeckah and answered her prayers.  I pray that he will continue and she will continue to want to feel the Spirit and the comfort of living the Gospel.  It brings so much peace,

This is my face book post.  Not as much information but what I felt I could write.


The point I've been pondering is that Lahonti knew Amalickiah was very wicked.  Lahonti knew he should  never go down the mountain to discuss anything with Amalakiah!  He knew that Amalickiah was not honest and was a wicked man of war.  Yet Amalickiah kept coming closer to Lahonti and it finally Lahonti  decided it wasn't so bad and he went down which eventually led to losing his life.

How many times do we tell Satan no and then he comes closer and offers us the deal again and we still say no, he comes again and again.  It feels more enticing and then we may fall for it even though we don't trust the source.  In my life, there are times when I don't see the cunning devil enticing me me to down the mountain.  Then all of sudden, the temptation feels like it isn't so bad. It feels easier to give in because it's/he's right here.  Sometimes it is under disguise  and we have to look close.  That is why we need to be so careful and trust our feelings. 

It's hard to always see how we are trying to be deceived.  It's not always cut and dried and there are many diversions.  It's not the story, it's a way of life.  We have to always be aware of Satan's distractions. We need to be on guard always.  Movies tend to always have a snag and a theme which makes it easier to solve.  In real life we have to rely on faith, our testimonies, prayer and the Holy Ghost.