Sunday, November 8, 2020

Hear Him

 I'm praying to know how to listen to the Spirit better.  I know I still fail, but I have seen it more in my life as I have prayed for it. Yesterday as I prayed I thought of a lady who I had thought about calling and then it seemed to get put aside.  I decided I would call her and quickly ended my prayers and dialed her number.  We had the best talk.  She is struggling with her 11 year old autistic son. She has done everything for him that she feels like she can do but he is still hard.  He is  rebelling and it's hard as a mother to see him making decisions that could/would make his life harder.  I so admire her and all of her strength that she has.  It's hard to be a mother of a child with special needs.  She has recently has another child and she told me how much this little boy has brought into her life.  

I know that God is so mindful of us and he sends as children when they can be such a blessing to us. Hannah was probably my hardest pregnancy and yet she has brought me so much joy.  All of my children have been a blessing.  I wish they all knew how important each one is to me.  

As we studies Mormon tonight, the one thing I would share with my family is the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.  It is worth far more than rubies and gold.  It is what can being us real happiness happiness.  The church is true and as we live it, our faith will grow. We are so blessed to be members of the true Church of Jesus Christ.  I love my Family and I love my Savior

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Mountain Bike Racing

 Matthew had loved bike racing and has don ti sense 8th grade. He is now a Sophmore and while mountain biking is fun, he does it for the joy of riding and being with his friends.

He went up with Milt Olsen and his son Simeon.  They went up the day before so they could pre-ride the trial.  I came up the next morning by myself and I wasn't sure how to get there.  I texted Matthew and asked for him to send me a pin so I would know where to go.  Of course, he didn't answer and I was contemplating what to do. Suddenly ahead of me I saw a van with bikes on the back and thought I should follow that van.  It took me right where I needed to go.  Matthew sent me a pin so I had the right area after that but I didn't feel like it would matter.  Lunch time I had worked as a crossing guard that morning and it was about 100 degrees.  I ran down to subway to get a sandwich and lost me way.  Not sure what to do when it occured to me that I had the pin Matthew had sent. I pulled it up and guess what!!!! I could now find my way back to Matthew  After the race, Matthew forget his oil for his bike so we had to separate again and I used the pin one more time.  It is amazing how the Lord guides us as we need it.  He is there to help us and protect us.  It was a beautiful day!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Rebeckah girls camp

As I was reading the previous blog, I saw it had Lisa's signature on it  Then I had to read the post to see who had really written it  I found out I had written it.  I was so thankful I had recorded it.  It spoke to my heart and I thought (This sounds prideful but I feel like I have a hard time expressing myself and I felt like i did okay)!

This last Monday and Tuesday was girls camp.  Because Lynn is the Bishop, I was able to go to the Testimony meeting and it was so good!

For girl's camp the Bishop had said they could do 2 days. One of the girls planned a sleep over.  Rebeckah really wanted to go for the sleepover and we as parents have never felt like they were a good idea.  I've heard the the church leaders have advised us not to do them.  When Rebeckah asked if she could go we were not for it.  We told her we would ponder on it.  She asked again a couple days later and the thought came to me that she needed to pray about it. The day before girls camp she asked what I had decided and I asked her if she had prayed about it. She kind of rolled her eyes and said No. I told her that this had to be a mutual decision so that is where we are at.  The next morning I could tell she had prayed and received her answer.  She came to me and said she had prayed about it and felt like it would be all right.  That is is the same decision that Lynn and I received so we allowed her to go.

At the testimony meeting she was poked my Alexis to share her testimony.  She stood up and told the story of how badly she wanted to go to the sleepover.  How her mother had made her pray about it. She was scared to death that her mother would take away her phone because she hadn't been praying or reading her scriptures as much as she should be.  She knelt down by her bed and prayed to know if it was right. She also prayed that she would get an answer quickly. She came to me and told me she had prayed and felt good about the sleepover.  I could so feel the Spirit at that time.  She had prayed with real intent. She had felt the Spirit and knew that God loved her and that he had answered her question quickly.

Rebeckah was surprised how quickly her prayers were answered. She could also feel the love of all of the Ward Yong Women and the leaders.  She felt the Spirit and the Love of God.  She watched Cynthia and as Cynthia got up and was getting emotional Rebeckah was surprised how "close they were" how much she cared for her.  After the testimony meeting they all hugged each other and felt the love. 

I'm so thankful Heavenly Father answers prayers. How He guided Rebeckah and answered her prayers.  I pray that he will continue and she will continue to want to feel the Spirit and the comfort of living the Gospel.  It brings so much peace,

This is my face book post.  Not as much information but what I felt I could write.


The point I've been pondering is that Lahonti knew Amalickiah was very wicked.  Lahonti knew he should  never go down the mountain to discuss anything with Amalakiah!  He knew that Amalickiah was not honest and was a wicked man of war.  Yet Amalickiah kept coming closer to Lahonti and it finally Lahonti  decided it wasn't so bad and he went down which eventually led to losing his life.

How many times do we tell Satan no and then he comes closer and offers us the deal again and we still say no, he comes again and again.  It feels more enticing and then we may fall for it even though we don't trust the source.  In my life, there are times when I don't see the cunning devil enticing me me to down the mountain.  Then all of sudden, the temptation feels like it isn't so bad. It feels easier to give in because it's/he's right here.  Sometimes it is under disguise  and we have to look close.  That is why we need to be so careful and trust our feelings. 

It's hard to always see how we are trying to be deceived.  It's not always cut and dried and there are many diversions.  It's not the story, it's a way of life.  We have to always be aware of Satan's distractions. We need to be on guard always.  Movies tend to always have a snag and a theme which makes it easier to solve.  In real life we have to rely on faith, our testimonies, prayer and the Holy Ghost.  

Sunday, April 12, 2020

I can't find the BishopBlog so I guess for right now I'll have to do the Mission blog

Dear Family,
I'm not very good at speaking and not being long and boring. I have just had a few thoughts over the last while that I want to share with you.
In this life we have been very blessed! Everyday when I would say to you to school or send you out the door I always tried to say "Choose the Right, Return with Honor and No matter what you do remember the gospel is true. Then if I had plenty of time I would add, "We may not have it all together but together we have it all! I wanted you to know that you were all so important to me and your Dad. As life has gone on I have learned like everyone that I have not been perfect, I made mistakes. :(  More than I meant to and sometimes how I said something is not what you heard at all. All in All I believe that we have been blessed with the best children ever!
The reason I said all this stuff was I wanted you to always do the right thing no matter who you were with or if you were alone. I wanted you to know that no matter what I will always love and pray for you and I will always have your back.
As I grow older my thoughts have changed in some ways. Some of my children have told me that they knew they were important but if Mom felt busy or overwhelmed they wouldn't take the time to talk with me. I never wanted to be to busy for my family. So my advice is take the time to talk with each of your children on a regular basis. Ask them questions that aren't yes or no, try to understand what they are saying and listen to them.
I still believe that the best things we can do for our children is to read the Book Of Mormon to them every day. I had a friend who is not active at the moment but her daughter said, I love to hear the Book of Mormon, it brings comfort to my soul. As we read the scriptures to them they will learn to feel the Spirit  and the promptings that will come to them in their lives.
Love your children and be there for them!


I can't log into my other account and I'd like to write a bit so I thought I'd write on this blog!  We are in the midle of covid-19/.  There hadn't been any church for a month, no school, just hibernating at homr.  We are allowed to go out and get groceries but we are asked to staying 6' apart. 
We had a special fast this Easter week and prayed for help regarding the scientists to find a cure, comfort for those who are affected along with comfort for those who have lost someone, financial comfort for those who are struggling.y had to run him to
I fasted for those things and Ipray for those who are affected.  AS I prayed I also wanted to know that my Heavenly Fahter was aware of me and loved me.  I know He does, but I wanted/needed reassurance. It was a good day to fast, WE had the kitchen all cleaned and just to stay out of there was easy. I tried to keep a prayer in myheart but even though I felt good I had no powerful answer that Heavenly Father was aware of me.  Later that night I was looking at facebook and someone had tagged me in a post.  My friend Liaz Yound callng has her little boy and the stool table was knocked down and landed on his toe and tore it off.  They had to run him to Gunnison where they were told to go to Primary Children's hospital.  Their friend call and asked Lynn to go give the little boy a blessing.  My Friend Alisha Traina wrote this to Lynn and I
Oh my! I’m so sorry! Primary children’s and toddler medical issues certainly give me PTSD. However, you were in great hands in every way! Honestly there isn’t anyone that I know of (honestly) that is more Christlike than Lynn and 
Laurie Johnson Bishop
! I love them dearly! God bless you and little babe!

You are an answer to my prayers today. As I have fasted today I have prayed for the things we were asked to pray for and also others who are struggling. I just wanted to know that Heavenly Father was also aware of me. I know He is, but I just needed to feel His love for me. It’s been a good day, nothing spiritually outstanding till I read your text to Liz Young. I felt like my prayers were answered through you. Thanks for being there for me. I love you

Awe! you have truly been my truest and dearest friend! Friends like you don’t come along often! I’m so thankful for you! I love you too! (And Lynn!)
God answers out prayers but it is generally through someone else that they are answered.
I also found this earlier but I didn't realize it was an answer to my prayers for a while.

Laurie, from my family, will you please tell your kind husband “thank you?” What he (and you) have done for Liz and her family is truly above and beyond what any ward bishop would do. Liz always speaks so highly of “Bishop Bishop.” I know thank you really isn’t adequate to cover all that he has done, but just know we are so grateful for every gift of service he has given to help Liz and her family. He has been a true blessing in their lives. I, for one, am not surprised by the outpouring of service and kindness, I’ve known your family was special since day one teaching Tim. Your kids also exemplified the same Christlike attributes of you and your husband, and I was so lucky to get to teach at least four of them. Your family’s light shines so brightly. Thank you for sharing that light with Liz and her family when they’ve needed it most.
Sat 10:13 AM
You have touched my children’s lives in so many ways. As you taught them in school you taught them the gospel by your actions! You always loved them, like you do all the children you teach, regardless of any struggle they may have. I’m so thankful to of had you for their teacher. They always speak highly of you and what you have done for them.
We love Liz and her family. They are such a blessing to us and we’re thankful they are in our ward.
Thank you for your kind words. They have been an answer to my prayers!

CanI just say my prayers were answered!  I know God lives ans is mindful of me and my family!  I am so blessed.  We are living in a hard time, but God is in the details of our lives!